Variable Bluets

Coenagrion pulchellum (Vander Linden, 1825)


The body is about 4 mm in lenght and rather thin, as in other Coenagrionidae. Males are similar to their congeners in coloration, but on the 2nd abdominal segment they feature a black horseshoe-shaped mark, linked to the black line of the next abdominal segment by a short black stripe (sort of a “Y” mark). Antehumeral stripes are broken (originating a sort of exclamation marks). Females have great variability and feature antehumeral stripes not broken. The pronotum back portion has two deep incisions originating three lobes.


An early species, in flight from May to July.


C. pulchellum can be found in areas with relatively deep and still waters and colonizes also slowly flowing waters. Usually it needs luxuriant vegetation and water can be even eutrophic.


This species is widespread even if not in the whole Europe, where it is absent in mountain areas. It is rarer southwards, too. In the Cuneo region it is very rare and localized.