Common Bluet

Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier, 1840)


The body is 29-36 mm in lenght and 40-45 mm in wingspan. It looks more robust than other Coenagrionidae and the antehumeral stripes are usually at least as thick as the humeral stripes below. Thorax sides have just one black line and the head feature two wide post-ocular spots. Male coloration is basically pale blue with a black pattern. On the 2nd abdominal segment there is a typical mushroom-shaped spot. Female coloration is variable and there is a black torpedo-shaped drawing on the abdominal segments from 3rd to 7th. Young specimens have no black pattern, developing in the following few days.



The main flight period is from June to August. 


This species uses many habitats (usually it is not particularly demanding). It prefers open water surfaces, both with still and slowly streaming water, with floating vegetation preferred. It is a pioneer species often observed in recently built reservoirs, and even in pits and ponds.


The commonest European damselfly: it can be found from the Arctic Circle to Morocco (High Atlas) and eastwards until the Kamchatka. In the Mediterranean regions it is mostly found in mountain habitats. In the Cuneo region it can be observed in almost all the habitats with slow flowing waters from the plain to the alpine zones, at more than 2000 meters above sea level.