Large Red Damsels

Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Sulzer, 1776)


One of the two Italian Zygoptera with red coloration on the body, except rare melanistic specimens. It can be separated from the other one (Ceriagrion tenellum) by the bigger size (33-36 mm) and the black legs (not reddish as in C. tenellum). 


It can be observed early in season, but usually it is in flight from the second half of April to October. 


It can be found along the banks of still or slowly streaming waters and can be very abundant in those rich of high vegetation. 


This is a species rather widespread: in Europe it has expanded its range towards northern regions. In our region, it is quite widespread in the plain, on the hills and even in some prealpine sites. One breeding population has been found at more than 1900 meters above sea level.