Banded Demoiselles

Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1782)


Males of this species (45-48 mm) are metallic blue colored and feature a wide dark blue band on the wing distal half, leaving uncolored just a small apical part. The ventral side of the last abdominal segments is yellowish with a longitudinal black line on the 8th segment.

Females have metallic green body and wing venation: their wings feature a small white spot including several cells (pseudopterostigma).


In flight from April to October.


The larvae live only in streaming waters as canals and rivers, but not in alpine cold streams. Adults gather mostly by banks with abundant water vegetation.


This species can be found in most of Europe and in Asia reaches China. In our region this genus of Calopteryx is widespread and locally abundant mainly in canals and in the oxbow lakes of the biggest rivers in the plain.