Blue Hawker

Aeshna cyanea (Müller, 1764)


It is a large-sized species (67-76 mm), easily identified by the very large antehumeral stripes and the basically dark brown coloration with green thorax in both sexes. In males the abdomen features green dorsal spots up to the 7th segment and it is light blue dorsally and laterally from the 8th to the 10th; in females, abdominal spots are all green. Male appendages feature the distal forth down-turned.


This is a late summer-autumn species, flying from the end of June to the end of November.


This species can use every kind of still or slowly streaming, natural or artificial water areas, included those recently made. It can be found even in wooded area waters usually neglected by other species.


Widespread in central Europe, eastwards it reaches the Urals. This is one of the commonest Anisoptera species in the Cuneo region, both in the plain and hills. In alpine areas it is more localized and can reach 2000 meters above sea level in the highest part of the Stura valley.