“Bealera pertusà” – Cervere

“Bealera pertusà” – Cervere (Photo M.Pettavino)
“Bealera pertusà” – Cervere (Photo M.Pettavino)

This is an irrigation canal which originate from the Stura river near Salmour and goes on uninterrupted as far as the city of Bra. It is used mainly for agricultural purposes and it has mostly cemented banks. In spite of this in some stretches, particularly the one passing through the Cervere municipality, it hosts an abundant riparian vegetation with shrubs and tall trees as well.


The quite regular water regime and sandy bottom favor the presence of some Odonata which find there a good habitat for their larvae. You can observequite easily Calopteryx splendens, Calopteryx virgo, Onychogomphus forcipatus unguiculatus, the rarer Gomphus vulgatissimus, Cordulegaster boltonii and other species breeding in adjacent ponds.